super8 to HD, color, sound, 19 min. 34 sec., 2022
Among everything obscure in an image, there is always the camera. This Isn’t What It Appears reconstructs and radicalizes the ways to see and interpret archival photographs of Korean women taken in the 1950s by American soldiers stationed in South Korea. This film attempts to reveal the camera within the frame, not as an omniscient eye but as a reciprocal medium that subverts the hierarchy in an image.
이미지에서 감춰지는 수많은 것들 중에는 언제나 카메라가 있다. < 이것은 보이는 것과 다르다 >는 1950년대 한국에 주둔하던 미군들이 촬영한 한국 여성의 사진들을 바라보는 시각을 비틀어 재구성한다. 카메라를 모든 것을 담아내는 진실의 눈이 아닌 이미지 안의 위계를 전복시키는 힘을 가진 매개로서 프레임 안에 드러내고자 한다.
Available at
2024 Iowa City International Documentary Film Festival (ICDOCS), Iowa City, IA, United States
2024 KBS1TV KBS독립영화관 방영 / KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) KBS Independent Cinema
2023 WNDX Festival of Moving Image, Winnipeg, Canada
2023 Forgotten Lives and Disappeared Worlds: Experimental Films, University of California, Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA), Berkeley, CA
2023 서울국제여성영화제 Seoul International Women's Film Festival, South Korea
2023 Mur Murs Film Series curated by Rebecca Baron and David Dinnell, Los Angeles, CA
2023 The Margins of Dream Language - Contemporary Korean Female Experimental Filmmakers, co-presented by LA Filmforum, LAND, and GYOPO,Los Angeles, CA
2022 제 48회 서울독립영화제 Seoul Independent Film Festival, South Korea
2022 DMZ국제다큐멘터리영화제 DMZ International Documentary Film Festival (DMZdocs), South Korea
2022 Film Diary NYC
2022 Move Screen! Process Cinema! Vol.2 at Whammy Analog Media, Los Angeles, USA